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Special Care Counselling - JNC.1U


2085 hours

Qualified Instructors

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Laval, QC

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Longueuil, QC

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Montreal, QC

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Pointe-Claire, QC

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St-Leonard, QC

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*Jan-Dec 2023, CDI College QC

Median Wage

$30 /hour

*; 2025

Learn to Assist People With Disabilities or Challenges in Becoming Independent

CDI College's Special Care Counselling - JNC.1U program offers extensive training to support individuals of all ages with physical, intellectual, and mental health challenges.


The curriculum emphasizes adaptive, rehabilitative, and social integration techniques. It covers the management of learning and behavioural disorders, implementing effective intervention strategies, and fostering cultural and educational activities.

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Authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education. CDI College Business. Technology. Health Care (Permit 749747)

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Choose to Make a Difference

Become a special care counsellor and make a difference in the lives of children, young people, adults, and seniors with physical or intellectual disabilities, behavioural disorders, mental health problems or other health-related disorders.

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A Program Tailored for Your Needs

Through comprehensive training encompassing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and interpersonal competencies, this program is designed to equip you with a robust foundation to support your professional endeavours.

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Includes Three Internships Totaling 990 Hours

These internships provide an excellent opportunity to apply your knowledge, hone your skills, earn valuable experience, survey the job market, elevate your profile, and enhance your likelihood of getting hired.

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Program Courses

Special Care Counseling Profession [351-FDT-ID]

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Duties of the Special Educator. Role of the Special Educator and related professions. Requirements of the intervention settings. Relevant laws (including Charter of Rights and Freedoms, LSSS, Law 21, LPJ, etc.). Missions and mandates of community institutions and organizations. Professional deontology and ethics related to the exercise of the Special Educator profession. Understanding of regulations related to the code of ethics. Application of the code of ethics to practical cases. Application of work ethics. Confidentiality: Definition and extent of professional secrecy. Introduction to the request for services. Introduction to the clinical process: Needs assessment, intervention plans, assessment of desired outcomes.

Human Development Psychology 1 [351-PD1-ID]

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Development spheres. Concept of needs. Children and environment interaction: ecosystem-based approach. Influencing factors: risk factors and protective factors. Normal development of children 0 to 12 years old: motor and sensory development; cognitive development; language development; socio-emotional development. Internal development factors from 0 to 12 years old. External factors of development from 0 to 12 years old. Aspects of child development from 0 to 12 years old and related behaviors. Physical needs of the child from 0 to 12 years old. Psychological needs of the child from 0 to 12 years old.

Communication and Interrelations [351-CE1-ID]

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Principles of effective communication. Communicator profile. Qualities of a good communicator. Elements of an effective communication process. Verbal and non-verbal messages. Communication barriers. Effective communication techniques to use with customers. Effective communication techniques to use within a work team. Cultural and ethnic differences: values ​​and beliefs; definition of integration and legal context; as a stakeholder. Dealing with a value system different from one's own. Creation of communication tools.

Therapeutic Process 1 [351-A11-ID]

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The clinical process. Assessing client needs. Goal setting. Designing an intervention activity. The components of an intervention activity. Development of intervention activities. Creation of appropriate clinical tools. Introduction to facilitation skills. Animation of intervention activities. Application of communication skills. Evaluation of the results of the intervention activity.

Clienteles 1 [351-CL1-ID]

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The difficulties of biospychosocial adaptation in children aged 0 to 12: definition of the problems of biopsychosocial adaptation; main characteristics of biopsychosocial adaptation; events related to biopsychosocial adaptation issues; influencing factors related to the understanding of the problem; intervention approaches and best practices. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to physical disabilities. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to sensory impairments. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to intellectual disabilities. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to neurological deficiencies. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to developmental disorders (autism spectrum). Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to learning and language disabilities.

Human Development Psychology 2 [351-PD2-ID]

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Normal development from adolescence to old age: cognitive changes from adolescence to old age; psychosocial changes from adolescence to old age. Internal factors of development from adolescence to old age. External factors of development from adolescence to old age. Aspects of development from adolescence to old age and related behaviors. Physical needs from adolescence to old age. Psychological needs from adolescence to old age. Dynamics of behavior from adolescence to old age in interaction with the environment. Impact of these changes on behavior. Loss of autonomy linked to aging.

Biopsychosocial Adaptation [351-ABP-ID]

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Biological factors behind social and adjustment problems. Psychological factors behind social and adjustment problems. Social factors at the root of social and adjustment problems. Social dimension of the person. Social context related to social problems. Social context related to the phenomena of adaptation. Individual and society relationship. Socialization process. The individual as an actor of social change vis-à-vis social problems. Factors favorable or unfavorable to the dynamics of adaptation. Main components of the social structure. Sociological theories explaining social problems and maladjustment. Specific adjustment problems: problem linked to mistreatment; bullying related issues; violence-related issues; problematic related to social exclusion. Interventions to deal with social and adjustment problems.

Observation - Techniques and Applications [351-0TA-ID]

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Professional observation process relevant to the role of Special Educator. Components of the observation process (observation, analysis, hypothesis, evaluation, intervention, evaluation). Types of observations (direct, indirect, participant, withdrawn, free, systematic, perceived, not perceived). Verbal and nonverbal aspects of behavior. Observation environment and its interactions with behavior. Information gathering tools. Results interpretation. Validity and reliability of the observation. Observation bias. Quality of a good observation report (clear, concise and professional). Behavioral profile of the person based on observations. Definition of the handicap situation.

Clienteles 2 [351-CL2-ID]

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Definition of biopsychosocial adaptation issues related to functional and dysfunctional social behaviors in mental health. Main characteristics of biopsychosocial adaptation related to functional and dysfunctional social behaviors in mental health. Events related to biopsychosocial adaptation issues related to functional and dysfunctional social behaviors in mental health. Influencing factors related to the understanding of an issue. Support of a client in their daily activities. Assessment of the client’s physical environment. Profile of a person with a biopsychosocial adjustment problem related to mental health. Biopsychosocial observation approaches, objectives and techniques related to functional and dysfunctional social behaviors in mental health. Assessment of the client's impairment and potential. Design of an individual activity program that meets the social, cognitive and psychomotor needs of the individual. Tools to help individuals who are experiencing a loss of autonomy related to aging. The integration into a socio-professional environment of the person with a deficit: social skills; work skills; clinical tools.

Clienteles 3 [351-CL3-ID]

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Problems related to intellectual disability: definition of the problems; main characteristics. Influencing factors related to the understanding of the problem; Intervention approaches and best practices. Autism spectrum disorder: problem definition; main characteristics; influencing factors related to the understanding of the problem; intervention approaches and best practices. Problems related to aging: definition of the problems; main characteristics; influencing factors related to the understanding of the problem; assess the incidence of deficits and the person's adaptive potential; helping the person accept the losses related to the aging process; supporting the maintenance of the person's functional skills; helping the family accept the losses related to the aging process; intervention approaches and best practices.

Therapeutic Process 2 [351-A12-ID]

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The clinical process. Assessment of client needs. Goal development. Design of a development activities project. Creation of appropriate clinical tools. Introduction to facilitation skills. Animation of intervention activities. Application of communication skills. Evaluation of the results of the development activity. Revision of the development activities project and project adaptation proposals.

Intervention Plan [351-P11-ID]

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Comprehensive approach to the clinical process. Components of an intervention action plan. The role of participants in the intervention plan. The disability creation process (DCP): identification of the needs of a client with adjustment difficulties. Development of an intervention plan. Writing of an intervention plan. Planning the evaluation of the results. Presentation of the intervention plan to the work team. Revision and ending of the intervention plan.

Group Animation and Teamwork [351-ACT-ID]

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Group dynamics. Collaboration within a work team. Knowledge, attitudes, techniques and skills related to group dynamics, as well as collaboration within a work team. Group facilitation techniques to help interaction. Group facilitation techniques to improve the sense of motivation. Group facilitation techniques to increase participation. Behaviors and attitudes that can lead to conflict. Conflict resolution process. Group leadership strategies in a problem and conflict resolution approach. Assessment of facilitation skills.

Helping Relationship [351-RDA-ID]

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Essential attitudes in professional helping relationships. Fundamental principles in the professional help relationship. Fundamental skills in the professional helping relationship. Elements of an effective helping relationship. Helping relationships and interview techniques. Assessment of skills as a caregiver. Affective dimensions of the client's experience. Customer needs and expectations. Collaboration with the family. Priorities. Interventions.

Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Challenges [351-DTC-ID]

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Indicators of learning and language difficulties in a school context. Detection of a problematic situation. Planning of stimulation interventions. Materials to meet the needs of young people with learning and language difficulties. Activities to meet the needs of young people with learning and language difficulties. Basic strategies for language development. Basic strategies for the transfer and assimilation of learning. Intervention strategies to support interest and persistence in school. Approaches that value children's communication and social skills. Behavioral disorders: negative leader; the child-king; the violent or angry child; the child monopolize; enuresis; hyperactivity vs superactivity; lack of hygiene; non-participation; emotional deprivation.

Crisis Intervention [351-1SC-ID]

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Preventive intervention strategies. Protective measures. Means of prevention in the face of physical threatst. Physical aspects of a mild or severe crisis situation of a physical or psychological nature involving one or more people. Verbal aspects of a mild or severe crisis of a physical or psychological nature and involving one or more people. Nonverbal aspects of a mild or severe crisis of a physical or psychological nature involving one or more people. Evolution of the risk level of a situation. Intervention in an emergency or crisis situation (Choice of the safest alternative). Framework for the exceptional use of control measures. Stress management. Burnout.

Intervention Approaches and Adaptation Challenges [351-APA-ID]

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Intervention approaches used by the special educator. Intervention techniques used by the special educator. Exploration of recognized intervention programs. Alternative intervention approaches. Contribution of the different intervention approaches with regard to the identified needs. Contribution of different intervention techniques with regard to identified needs. Intervention with regard to identified needs.

Community Resources [351-RES-ID]

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Legal aspects related to interventions. Laws and charters that govern the work of special educators. Assignments of intervention environments. Intervention services. The path of a service request in the service network. The community network. Needs of the clientele and their living environment. Communication with the client and family members. Customer support network. Intervention activities that promote social reintegration. Intervention activities that promote a better quality of life.

Social Context of the Person [351-CSP-ID]

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Approaches to various communities in Quebec. Quebec society. History of the immigration phenomenon. Integration of immigrants. Demonstrations of intolerance towards cultural and ethnic communities. Collaboration with people belonging to cultural and ethnic communities. Relation with people belonging to different cultures. Effective communication strategies adapted to the context of the communities.

Integration Project [351-PR1-ID]

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Choosing a research and intervention area. Integration project focusing on one or more dimensions of a problem. Demonstration of the assimilation of knowledge. Demonstration of the development of professional skills. Demonstration of the skills needed to deal with situations independently and responsibly.

Internship 1 – Observation [351-ST1-ID]

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Working functions of a special educator. Tasks of a special educator. Qualities and skills required to practice the profession. Professional conduct in accordance with the ethics of the profession. Interactions with clients. Application of customer communication skills. Application of communication skills with the clinical team. Knowing your area of ​​intervention: organizational missions and mandates; clientele served and its environment; definition of services. Case study: definition of the problem; identification of influencing factors; application of observation techniques; identification of a situation of disability; intervention proposals.

Internship 2 – Experimentation [351-ST2-ID]

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Practice and integration of personal and professional skills related to the special educator profession. Knowledge of the intervention environment and identification of resource persons. Interaction between the professional and his client. Observation, communication and intervention skills. Problems related to adaptation and social integration. Application of customer intervention plans. Identification of the objectives pursued through the activities. Animation of activities adapted to the clientele: activities promoting the development of social and emotional skills; activities promoting the development of cognitive skills; activities promoting the development of psychomotor skills; activities promoting the development of communication skills; activities promoting the development of empowerment and self-esteem; activities promoting the maintenance of skills; activities promoting academic success; activities promoting support for the person in difficulty. Collaboration with the work team. Identification of elements related to professional conduct in accordance with the ethics of the profession.

Internship 3 – Intervention [351-ST3-ID]

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Interaction between the professional and their client. Observation, communication and intervention skills. Application of the clinical process: identification of the problem; preparation of the intervention plan; implementation of intervention strategies; evaluation of results. Collaboration with the customer support network. Collaboration with the work team. Professional conduct in accordance with the ethics of the profession.

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

  • Secondary V diploma or its recognized equivalent
  • Successful admission test
  • A person who has received instruction considered sufficient by the college and meets any of the following conditions may be admitted to a program of studies leading to an Attestation of College Studies:

- the person has interrupted his or her full-time studies or pursued full-time postsecondary studies for at least 2 consecutive terms or 1 school year;

- the person is covered by an agreement entered into between the college and an employer or by a government program of studies;

- the person has interrupted his or her full-time studies for one term and pursued full-time postsecondary studies for one term; or

- the person holds a Secondary School Vocational Diploma.

Ref.: art. 4 College Education Regulations

  • Program offered in French or English
  • Morning, afternoon or evening classes
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Dedicated and passionate instructors
  • Learn industry-standard skills and technologies
  • Practicum placements provide real-world experience
  • Tight-knit, supportive community with classmates, instructors, and support staff
  • Earn your  Attestation of College Studies in just a few months
  • Career Services department provides assistance finding jobs and building resumes
  • Authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education. CDI College Business. Technology. Health Care (Permit 749747)
  • Special Care Counsellor
  • Secondary V diploma or its recognized equivalent
  • Successful admission test
  • A person who has received instruction considered sufficient by the college and meets any of the following conditions may be admitted to a program of studies leading to an Attestation of College Studies:

- the person has interrupted his or her full-time studies or pursued full-time postsecondary studies for at least 2 consecutive terms or 1 school year;

- the person is covered by an agreement entered into between the college and an employer or by a government program of studies;

- the person has interrupted his or her full-time studies for one term and pursued full-time postsecondary studies for one term; or

- the person holds a Secondary School Vocational Diploma.

Ref.: art. 4 College Education Regulations

  • Program offered in French or English
  • Morning, afternoon or evening classes
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Dedicated and passionate instructors
  • Learn industry-standard skills and technologies
  • Practicum placements provide real-world experience
  • Tight-knit, supportive community with classmates, instructors, and support staff
  • Earn your  Attestation of College Studies in just a few months
  • Career Services department provides assistance finding jobs and building resumes
  • Authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education. CDI College Business. Technology. Health Care (Permit 749747)
  • Special Care Counsellor
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Experience the CDI College Difference

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Become a Special Care Counsellor

CDI College’s Special Care Counselling - JNC.1U program provides students with a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge to guide their interventions with children, adults and elderly people. The program includes lectures and small-group work and encourages debates and discussions.

Hear From Our Graduates

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“The class sizes are much smaller, which gives us the chance to talk to the instructor one-on-one. My teachers push me to do my best, even when I doubt myself. They make sure to teach towards everyone's needs.”

Chelsea F.

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“The program itself, the instructor, and my classmates have helped me grow so much emotionally and psychologically. I have learned to know myself and to go beyond my limits.”

Wanda L.

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