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Diploma Program

Graphic Design


65 weeks

Qualified Instructors

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Median Wage

$23 /hour

*; 2025

Become a Top-tier Graphic Designer With Hands-on Training

The Graphic Design program at CDI College in Winnipeg provides job-ready career training in graphic arts. In this 65-week diploma program, you will master essential design concepts and Adobe Creative Cloud tools under the guidance of experienced professionals. With a strong focus on practical skills, you will be well-prepared for a successful career in graphic design across various industries.

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Registered College

CDI College is registered as a private vocational institution under The Private Vocational Institutions Act.



Program Intro Background

Program Courses

Adobe Photoshop [CA-PTSHP]

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This course begins with covering the key techniques for working with Photoshop. Students will learn the key elements of the Photoshop interface, and how the tools and features of this popular software can be used to edit images. Students will learn to use precise selection control to correct a wide range of lens-based errors, interactively transform their images with a variety of tools, effects and filters. With a focus on the key features and tools of Photoshop, students will work with layers, masks, channels, brushes and vector drawing techniques to prepare images for both Web and print production. The course then moves on to more detailed advanced features of Photoshop including raster based painting for illustrations, 3- D, video and animation techniques, colour controls, etc. Students will also learn to use the techniques for designing with advanced layering and image compositing techniques, working with actions scripts, batch processes and other time saving options.

Adobe Illustrator [CA-ILSTR]

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This course presents Illustrator as an industry standard tool for the production of professional quality illustrations such as technical illustrations, mapping, illustrating from photographic reference, and colourizing bitmapped images. After learning the functionality and techniques to produce basic professional quality illustrations, students move on to explore the more advanced features of Illustrator by completing a series of advanced assignments. Students will gain an advanced understanding of the tool set, so that they may solve more difficult design problems. Painting and Effects will be explored in detail. Projects will require a more sophisticated use of Illustrator techniques with a greater focus on finished quality and pre-press.

Adobe InDesign [CA-INDSN]

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This course begins by exploring the basic functionality and techniques for working with Adobe InDesign CC. Students will learn about the InDesign work area, its key tools and features and how they are used to create powerful print and interactive layouts and designs. Students will work with object selections, multiple page sizes, tracking text changes, creating new layers, enhance productions, and work with InDesign’s print and digital capabilities. The course then focuses on the use of InDesign in product packaging and publication design with an overall theme of type and typography. The course concludes by providing students a comprehensive overview and review of all of InDesign’s capabilities which are brought together in a more controlled and thoughtful manner to create rich interactive documents.

Adobe Premiere Pro [CA-PRMPR]

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In this course students will learn the key features, tools and techniques for working in Premiere Pro CC. In the first part of the course, students will learn the basics of using audio, creating transitions, producing titles, and adding effects. The course will then explore the more advanced features such as sweetening and mixing sound, compositing the footage, adjusting color and, authoring DVDs. The students will also learn to take projects from script all the way to the screen using a variety Adobe tools such as Ultra, Adobe Story, OnLocation, Speech Search. Topical coverage includes: 

  • The Premiere Pro work area
  • Managing assets
  • Importing media
  • Capturing video assets from tape
  • Cuts only videos
  • Working with video transitions
  • Specialized editing tools
  • Working with Video effects
  • Acquiring, editing and sweetening audio
  • Compositing techniques
  • Integrating other Adobe tools
  • Authoring DVD’s

Fundamentals of Web Development - HTML5 and CSS [CA-FWBDV]

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This course is the foundation of all studies for web based products and applications, introducing students to principal concepts used in web development. Emphasis is placed on mastering HTML5 and CSS3. Students will learn to produce well-formed, hand-coded web pages, using the features of HTML5 and CSS3. Students will start by learning how to prepare for creating a Web site and use the basics components of HTML5 to design the fundamental layout and design. Students will then learn to add links, images and other resources to the Web site and organize the Web site contents into user-friendly layouts by applying advanced CSS styling. Next, you will learn how to enhance your Web site by creating and processing Web forms, incorporating audio/video components, integrating social media tools and add some basic functionality using basic JavaScript programming.

Adobe Dreamweaver [CA-DRWVR]

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This course introduces students to the rapid prototype and web site authoring tool Dreamweaver, allowing them to quickly produce interactive web pages and sites. The emphasis of this course is to use the features and tools of the authoring software to build professional grade site architecture, structure, and content. Topical coverage includes:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of web site authoring software tools and features
  • Principles of effective layout
  • Fundamentals of Cascading Style Sheets
  • Incorporating Images and graphics
  • Working with templates
  • Adding navigation
  • Dynamic and interactive content
  • Fundamental Behaviours and Commands
  • Uploading to the server

Life Drawing I [MB-CM10A]

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This course is an introductory level course that prepares the student to draw anatomically correct structures of the human body. Students will learn to draw the human figure in correct anatomic detail based on the observation of live models. This course will emphasize the anatomically correct proportions of the human body and the accurate portrayal of muscles and other landmarks by applying various techniques of shading and lighting, views, and perspective.

Topical coverage includes:

  • Basic shapes comprising the figure 
  • Anatomic positioning and parts 
  • Human proportions 
  • Drawing from a live model 
  • Drawing of various anatomic parts 
  • Light source and shading

Drawing I [MB-CM10B]

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This course is an introductory level drawing course designed to have the students apply the fundamental concepts of drawing. Students will experiment with the use of basic shapes and techniques in drawing simple objects comprised of lines, shapes, forms and shading patterns. This course will also continue the coverage of the notions of perspective, scale, and proportions and their role in the production of realistic looking drawings. Students will also gain an understanding of light source placement and shadow casting and how these translate into a final drawing. Students will be able to practice the various techniques learned throughout the course by developing drawings in a progressive manner.

  • Line/Shape/Form
  • Subject framing
  • Shading and shadows
  • Light source
  • Perspective, scale and proportion

Colour & Design [MB-CM10D]

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The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental principles of design and colour theory. Students will be introduced to the principle concepts of design such as layout, composition and balance, as well as the theories of colour and how to use colour creatively. These concepts will be presented in theory as well as reinforced through specific practical exercises and activities that will serve to demonstrate how each of the concepts is integrated into good design.

  • Terminology of design
  • Composition
  • Negative space
  • Colour systems
  • Colour and light
  • Tone, hue, saturation and value of colour

Design History [MB-CM10F]

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In this course students will explore and discover a comprehensive curriculum of world art history in the context of current graphic design theory and practice. Artistic styles will be explored in terms of elements of design as they developed during each age, both within and across cultures. Where appropriate, anthropological themes will be woven into the curriculum so as to place significant artworks, and their influences, into context.

Typography [MB-GD20A]

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This course focuses on the basic principles of typography and its place and importance in graphic design. Students will learn how typography evolved from its earliest days in the form of basic symbols and forms to the present day sophisticated fonts and letterforms. Students will learn the fundamentals of working with type. Students will discover the building blocks of type, the typographic measurement units and typefaces both classical and modern fonts. The course will integrate working with type in both a manual and a computerized context.

  • History and language of Typography
  • Measurements : points, picas, leading, type sizes
  • Evolution of typography
  • Classical typefaces
  • Typesetting concerns
  • Grid systems & methods of layout technique

Digital Photography [MB-GD20B]

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This course introduces students to the fundamentals of digital photography. Students will learn how to set up the camera and learn common program modes. Students will learn how to manage parameters such as composition, lighting, and exposure. The course will cover different lenses and focal lengths. The course will discuss the download and transfer of photos and organizing photos. Students will learn how to fine-tune and edit photos with Photoshop Elements. Topical coverage includes: 

  • Camera setup, scanning, file formats, sizing, image capture and storage
  • Depth of field and motion
  • Adjustments, color, contrast, selections, filters
  • Camera Controls
  • Lighting
  • Still life, outdoors and indoors photography
  • Compositional techniques 
  • Mounting and presentation techniques 

Conceptualization [MB-GD20C]

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This course introduces the processes involved in developing a solution to design challenges. The emphasis is placed on the various techniques and tools that are used in the design process. Students will learn to integrate problem solving, and critical thinking techniques as well as to call upon their creativity to develop original solutions to design challenges. Students will study various case studies each one highlighting a unique design challenge and the processes that were used to arrive at a solution.

  • Concept and its Role within Design
  • Concept Formulation processes
  • Corporate identity systems
  • Systematic design processes
  • Concept development

Publication Design [MB-GD20E]

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Designing print publications is one of the most important components of a graphic designer’s work. This course will lay the foundation for the work involved in creating a publication of various formats. Although the arrival of desktop publishing has greatly facilitated the publication process, the designer still must overcome some of the common obstacles and challenges encountered in printing and publishing. The course focuses on the design of single and multi page publications that combine type, graphics, colours, and textures while addressing some of the common printing and publication challenges.

  • Design concepts for various outputs
  • One page and multi-page documents
  • Master layout pages
  • Color palette and libraries
  • Style sheets
  • Tables and charts
  • Design concepts for various outputs
  • One page and multi-page documents
  • Master layout pages
  • Color palette and libraries
  • Style sheets
  • Tables and charts

Electronic Design I [MB-GD30B]

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This course will explore the processes of page design and layout. Using industry standard composition software, students will learn to apply design concepts to the development of creative page layout designs. Students will learn to import and prepare various components and incorporate them into the final page layout. Students will gain working knowledge of the tools and features of composition and layout software packages.

  • Visual language of design and layout
  • Layout software tools and characteristics
  • Cross platform tools
  • File preparation
  • Importing files
  • Layout design

Package Design [MB-GD30D]

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This course introduces the fundamental features of package design including the typical package materials, the processes and decisions that go into the design and production of a package. Students will explore the various materials and types of packages that are in use today as well as current trends and concerns surrounding packaging. Students will learn to combine the creative design concepts and the choice of materials to develop creative packaging solutions. The course will explore some of the most notable packaging successes.

  • History of packaging
  • Typical packaging materials
  • Current trends in packaging
  • Environmental and cultural issues
  • Surface graphics

Corporate Design [MB-GD30E]

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This course explores the role of the graphic designer in the process of developing branding or corporate identity systems. The course will explore the components that typically comprise a corporate identity system. Students will learn the processes and considerations that impact the design of corporate logos, colour selection, type, symbols, branding elements, stationery, and other collateral elements. Students will explore several case studies of prominent companies and brands and how graphic design influenced their corporate identity systems.

  • Corporate identity systems
  • Brands and branding
  • Design strategies
  • Collateral applications
  • Symbols, logos, type and colour selection

Advertising Design I [MB-GD40B]

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This course will explore the role of graphic design in the context of advertising. Students will learn about current trends in promotion and marketing, establishing a target market, consumerism, visual stimuli, advertising theories and strategies, product placement, and how they impact the design process. Students will learn the importance of meeting deadlines, professional presentation and attention to detail. The course will explore some of the issues and challenges that must be considered when designing advertising collateral.

  • Branding and corporate identities
  • Overview of the role of marketing
  • Current trends in promotion and advertising
  • Consumerism
  • Target market
  • Visual stimuli
  • Advertising strategies

Mobile App Design and Development [MB-GD40F]

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Mobile devices allow us to better experience the world around us and to instantaneously record, modify and communicate our experiences via social media. This course will trace developments from the inception of the Internet and explore the potential of emerging mobile technologies. This course will explore the design challenges that face digital designers when designing for social media and mobile applications and their supporting media. You gain a solid understanding of the evolving mobile media design processes, and will be required to apply this knowledge to design problems and develop prototype designs. This course will not focus on the technology but rather on the design, functionality and user experience, designing for mobile media devices, applications and distribution 

Advertising Design II - Marketing [MB-GD50B]

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This course explores the relationship between marketing and the design of advertising collateral. In order to appreciate how to design the advertising materials, it is essential to appreciate the link to marketing. This course will explore how price, promotion, distribution, target markets, and the product itself relate to advertising and thus, the design component of advertising. Lectures include a review of the target market sectors and how to produce designs that are relevant to a particular target market. Students will also learn how budgets, corporate marketing strategy, and the company vision will influence the design of marketing and advertising collateral.

  • Marketing to current lifestyles
  • Popular trends in marketing
  • Target market
  • Consumer trends and buying behaviour
  • Forecasting trends and lifestyle changes
  • Packaging and promotion
  • International and global consumerism
  • Marketing channels
  • Technology and marketing

Social Media Design Concepts and Strategies [MB-GD50F]

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Social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are being used as powerful communication tools. In this course you will examine how social media and mobile technologies have changed how we buy and as customers, how we communicate with businesses, and how we communicate for personal and community engagement. This course will focus on learning to design and build platforms or each of these purposes.

Portfolio Production II [MB-GD900]

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This course is aimed at preparing the students’ transition to the professional world, allowing the student to place the final polishing touches on their portfolio work. Students will be required to explain and defend the presentation structure of their portfolio and individual pieces to a panel of their peers and/or industry in the format of a job interview. All portfolio components should demonstrate the student’s mastery of the programs core competencies while highlighting the uniqueness of their work. Selected pieces should reflect a standard of quality evidenced by additional time spent polishing applied skills. Students will be required to complete their presentation website and marketing collateral.

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

  • Grade 12 or equivalent


  • Mature student status
  • Train on cutting-edge software 
  • Industry-experienced instructors focus on the most relevant information to your program and can help you network
  • Become well-prepared to apply for graphic design jobs with a professional portfolio
  • Receive unmatched support from our Career Services team for job finding and resumes
  • Graphic Designer
  • Digital Illustrator
  • Digital Media Asset Developer
  • Interactive Media Developer
  • Grade 12 or equivalent


  • Mature student status
  • Train on cutting-edge software 
  • Industry-experienced instructors focus on the most relevant information to your program and can help you network
  • Become well-prepared to apply for graphic design jobs with a professional portfolio
  • Receive unmatched support from our Career Services team for job finding and resumes
  • Graphic Designer
  • Digital Illustrator
  • Digital Media Asset Developer
  • Interactive Media Developer
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Experience the CDI College Difference

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Industry Certifications

Gain a distinct advantage by earning industry-recognized certifications that validate your expertise and skills in key areas such as digital marketing, project management, and CRM. Our program prepares you to succeed, whether you're advancing, switching careers, or starting your own business. Invest in yourself and join a community of certified professionals shaping the digital economy.

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Industry Leading Employers

Our extensive network and reputation for excellence ensure that graduates are in high demand in today's competitive job market. Prepare to excel in sought-after roles with renowned companies and unlock limitless career opportunities. Elevate your career trajectory and secure your future with our program tailored to meet the demands of industry leaders.

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Hear From Our Graduates

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My teacher has experience in the field, which makes a big difference when it comes to teaching us important skills for the job. He is very helpful with preparing us for the industry.

Sabrina B.

Graphic Design Graduate

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Every day, I treat my students as if we are in the work place. We spend time communicating, discussing work ethic, time management, and quality over quantity. I try to instill passion in everything they do and have some fun along the way.

Robb M.

Graphic Design Instructor

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