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Diploma Program



67 weeks

Qualified Instructors

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$33 /hour

*; 2025

Level Up Your Legal I.Q. and Qualify for Paralegal Jobs

The legal industry is always changing and requires up-to-date skills and education. With that in mind, CDI College's Paralegal diploma program combines administrative skills with comprehensive paralegal training.


The program covers the Canadian court system, corporate law, family law, real estate, criminal law, litigation, and more, including a real-world practicum in a legal office.

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Approved & Designated 

This program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of British Columbia. 

Program Intro Background

Program Courses

Student Success Strategies [SSS4]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and study techniques to help foster effective learning and a positive educational experience. This course explores two components of learning styles, Multiple Intelligence-based theory and Personality Spectrum – MBTI-based theory, and how learning styles and personality types affect learning. The course will cover the importance of values, their relationship to goals and goal setting. Strategies for setting personal goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and the stress that results from study or work situations will be explored and practiced through active participation in learner-centred activities. Effective study habits, techniques for preparing for tests and productive note taking strategies are key topics of this course that will provide the students with the necessary skills and attitudes to be successful in school. Having a sound understanding of financial, money, credit and debt matters and their implication on our lives is critical knowledge to have. Students taking this course will benefit from completing the Financial Management Workshops, which provides comprehensive coverage of financial and money management skills that will allow them to better save, budget, and manage their money and financial situations.

Business Computer Applications [BCAO]

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This course presents an introductory look at the Microsoft 365 productivity applications Word, PowerPoint and Excel, and the Windows environment in which they run. It covers the fundamentals of organizing files and folders, of drafting business documents, of creating presentations, and of reporting data in spreadsheets. This course relies entirely on practical hands-on activities that allow you to learn the concepts by practicing them on a regular basis and obtaining feedback immediately.

Microsoft Outlook [MOXO]

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Students work with basic and more advanced features of Microsoft Outlook to manage messages for efficient communication, maintain personal and business contacts, and organize appointments and tasks.

Keyboarding [KBFO]

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This course gives the student an introduction to the fundamentals of keyboarding. This course will help the students reinforce their English language skills and develop their ability to key and compose information, develop the proper keyboarding techniques and skills, The gradual pace of this course will help the students develop both speed and accuracy while applying the proper keyboarding techniques and position. Students will also develop their proofreading techniques, and improve their word processing techniques in a windows environment. Students must achieve a speed of 50 words per minute.

Effective Business Writing [EBW4]

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The workplace of the twenty-first century demands excellent communication skills. The focus of this course is on learning writing techniques that ensure effective business communication.

  • Achieve an Effective Style by using Precise Verbs, Concrete Nouns, and Vivid Adjectives
  • Write Memorandums and E-mail Messages that Deliver Information and Make Requests
  • Write Letters and Memorandums that Request Information Concisely and Promote Goodwill
  • Apply Skillful Writing Techniques in Refusing Requests
  • Compose Carefully Planned Sales Letters
  • Write Letters of Appreciation, Congratulation, Sympathy, Recommendation, and Introduction
  • Write Effective Formal and Informal Reports
  • Write a Formal Report including Data, using Tables, Charts,and Graphs

Introduction to the Study of Law [LAW1014]

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Students will be provided with an overview of the Canadian legal system, legal institutions, and the structure of the Canadian court system. Students learn about the history of Canadian law including an analysis of the development of the Canadian constitution. The Legal Professional Act and the Rules of the Law Society of British Columbia will be discussed with a view towards professionalism and ethics in the field. There will be an examination of the roles and responsibilities of members of the legal profession. Students will learn how to interpret statutes and will attune their skills in legal reasoning. The Doctrine of Precedent, along with current issues, developments in Canadian law, and the process of law reform will also be overviewed in this module. The process of law reform, the Law of Equity, and how to distinguish case law and Stare Decisis will also be covered.

General Legal Office Procedures and Documentation [LAW1026]

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In this module, students learn about the day-to-day organization, management, and procedures of a legal office. The latest developments in office technology are presented and practically applied as students draft standard legal documents (agreements, statements of claim, and defense, letters, and memos). Students are also introduced to the important skills of timekeeping, filing, and the effective use of communication systems (telephone, fax). Law office, trust accounting concepts and procedures are covered. One of the most highly valued abilities of legal administrative assistants and paralegals is that of being able to prioritize and organize multi-task workloads. Students learn these important skills in tandem with problem solving and critical thinking skills development.

Litigation Procedures I [LAW1034]

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The focus of this course is on civil litigation. Students learn the steps for opening and maintaining a litigation file and the British Columbia court litigation stages and procedures. Familiarization is built with different types of damages and claims as well as the procedures for proving a claim. Students gain experience preparing all relevant documents (for pre-trial and trial proceedings). Proceeding to trial is also covered along with the procedure for actions (in Provincial Court and Civil Division). Mediation and settlement are introduced.

Family Law Procedures [LAW1044]

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This course introduces the family court system in British Columbia. Students become familiar with Provincial and Supreme Court documentation and procedures used to bring issues of marriage, separation, divorce, custody/access, child welfare, adoption, maintenance, and property to resolution using the legal system. The Family Relations Act and the Divorce Act are covered. Students gain experience in completing a contested divorce file. Child Support guidelines are also covered.

Real Estate Law and Conveyancing [LAW2014]

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This course focuses on the substantive law of real estate. Students are introduced to basic conveyancing procedures. The registration system in British Columbia is covered along with other forms and documents related to transfer/deed, charge/mortgage, and discharge of charge/mortgage. The structure of a real estate sale is illustrated. Students also learn the requirements when acting for the vendor or acting for the purchaser. Students also gain knowledge about closing a real estate transaction.

Corporate and Commercial Law [LAW2024]

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Students are introduced to the incorporation and organization of a British Columbia company. There will be an overview of the British Columbia Business Corporation Act (by which the BC Company Act was repealed), the Society Act, the Canada Business Corporations Act, and the Canada Corporations Act. Guidelines and procedures for selecting a corporate name are covered. Student understanding of corporate by-laws and corporate structure is built along with the typical requirements of corporate meetings, minutes, resolutions, and the duties of directors and officers. Students use legal precedents to prepare articles of incorporation and corporate by-laws. Experience is gained with routine filings and resolutions. Students learn how to set up and maintain corporate records (Records Book as well as the transitions to the new Business Corporations Acts). Corporate securities, records, and changes are also covered.

Criminal Law and Evidence [LAW2034]

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In this introductory course, students learn about the nature, purpose, scope, sources, and basic principles of criminal law. The Criminal Code of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are discussed. Students review the basic elements of a criminal offence and the practical procedures utilized throughout a client’s arrest, trial, sentencing, and appeal. Jurisdictional issues are presented along with the process for jury election. There will also be a discussion of evidence.

Wills and Estate Planning [LAW2044]

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In this foundation course, students learn about wills and estates planning, estate succession, testacy, intestacy, requirements of a valid will and execution procedures. There is an introduction to the roles of the Executor and Trustee. Students learn about the Notice to Beneficiaries, Living Wills, Power of Attorney, and Representations Agreements. Assets, inheritance, and estate inventory are also presented.

Law of Torts [LAW3014]

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This course is an overview of the laws of negligence and various types of torts including false imprisonment, assault, battery, defamation, nuisance, and recovery of pure economic loss.

Contract Law [LAW3024]

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Students learn about the formation of partnerships and general concepts underlying incorporations. The fundamental principles of contract law and various types of contracts are covered including an offer, acceptance, certainty, intention, consideration, privity, capacity, public policy, frustration, breach, misrepresentation, mistake, and remedies.

Insurance Law [LAW3034]

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This course provides students with an overview of Canadian insurance law including the structure of the industry, insurable interests, valuation, subrogation, contribution and indemnity, and duty to disclose. Agents’ duties and responsibilities, form and formation of the insurance contract, the claims process, and British Columbia Auto Insurance issues are also covered. This course also focuses on personal injury practice and relevant substantive law and procedures required to manage a personal injury file.

Legal Research and Interviewing [LAW3044]

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Research and analytical skills are developed in this course. Students gain an understanding of research design, data gathering, analysis, and reporting. The studies of primary and secondary research materials are covered along with how to correctly cite sources, case law, statutes, regulations, and legislation. Students will prepare a legal research memorandum, read case briefs and legal documents, use encyclopedias, annotated reports, law reviews, and case comments. Internet research is also covered extensively along with how to locate decisions and statutes. Students learn about various types of interviews and increase their expertise in conducting interviews. Students also learn about how laws and statutes are made (first reading, second reading), hone their legal reasoning, and legal problem solving skills.

Litigation Procedures II [LAW3054]

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In this course, a continuation of Litigation Procedures I, students learn about the enforcement of judgments, the use of precedents in litigation, and further their understanding and knowledge of alternative dispute resolution. Students deepen their understanding of the law-making process, the use of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and procedures in Small Claims Court and Supreme Court of British Columbia. This course also prepares students to draft motion of notice and affidavit.

Corporate and Commercial Law II [LAW3064]

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This course advances student understanding and knowledge of the differences between reporting and non-reporting companies. Students analyze agency relationships, liabilities and methods of securing financial transactions, and acquiring assets. Different types of financial arrangements, the nature of security, credit devices, priorities, and assignments are covered. There is also a review and consolidation of the structure of businesses, their creation, and the requirements for their transfer. The procedures involved in various commercial transactions from the opening of a file to the closing are presented. Students become familiar with typical documentation dealing with a variety of commercial transactions: commercial leasing, commercial financing of real and personal property, and commercial sales.

Real Estate Law and Conveyancing II [LAW3074]

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The nature of mortgages, features, legal and equitable interests, principles of interest, priorities, assignment, extinguishment, insurance issues, and payout strategies are covered in this course. A continuation of Real Estate Law and Conveyancing I, property law concepts, the land title system, undertakings, conflict of interest, contract of purchase and sale, and tax issues are also covered. Students also learn about the Personal Property Securities Act, validity of security agreements, rights of parties and theory, concepts, procedures, and forms. Students also gain knowledge of commercial conveyancing matters and the role of the conveyancing assistant.

Criminal Law and Evidence II [LAW3084]

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This course, a continuation of Criminal Law and Evidence I, covers interviewing techniques and investigation procedures with regards to criminal offenses, examination techniques (direct and cross), and the creation and maintenance of a criminal file. This course also includes the gathering of information, obtaining a retainer, completing documentation, billing, and reporting. There is also a review of the law of evidence and the evidentiary statement.

Wills and Estates Planning II [LAW3094]

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An overview of The Wills Act and the Administration of Estates Act are covered. This course also covers the roles of the Executor and Trustee.

Intellectual Property [LAW4014]

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This course provides an overview of common law, legislation and international treatises, and conventions impacting intellectual property (focusing on copyright, patents, and trademarks). Students are also introduced to the concepts and practice underlying the management and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Credit and Collection Procedures [LAW4024]

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This course presents the laws and procedures related to debtor’s and creditor’s rights. Students learn about builders' liens applicable statute law and provincial legislation. The procedural rules to bring a simple debt action, file a debt action, and file a writ of enforcement are discussed. Students review the means of enforcing a judgment and realizing on personal property security. Both Provincial Court and Supreme Court procedures are analyzed. Students learn about the process for garnishing wages and bank accounts.

Paralegal Practice Education [PLGL199]

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This module is for course credits but has no grade. Students will be placed in actual work places related to their field of study and will be expected to act as regular employees in order to gain the valuable real-world experience that so many employers seek. Students are encouraged to find their own work experience placement; however, once placed, continuation in that placement is mandatory. This in an unpaid experience.

Career & Employment Strategies [CES4]

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In addition to learning career-oriented skills, students learn how to get a job in their chosen profession. Our Employment Services department will assist the graduate in resume writing, as well as preparing for job interviews. Our staff is sensitive to current job market trends and the needs of employers in each local market.
Our graduates receive guidance and training to use career tools that help job seekers build a better resume and cover letter, manage an online portfolio, hone interviewing skills, and develop a personal brand online.
Students will have the use of a computer lab which has unlimited Internet access, as well as job search resources. Facilitators will also be made available to advise on job finding resources, interview skills and techniques and to carry out mock interviews.

This course also looks at the planning, preparation, execution, and follow-up stages of an interview:

  • How people find jobs
  • Employer expectations
  • Presenting an enthusiastic attitude
  • Focusing on the right job and the hidden job market
  • Transferrable skills
  • Thank you letters
  • Effective telemarketing
  • Handling objections, self-confidence, and self-esteem
  • Individual counselling and coaching

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

Admission Requirements:

  • High school graduation or equivalent *

* (From an English language teaching institution)


  • Mature student status **

** (19 years of age upon starting classes, and Pass college’s English admissions test)

  • Practicum placements provide real-world experience
  • Career Services department provides assistance in finding jobs and building resumes
  • Hands-on training
  • Experienced instructors
  • Market-driven programs
  • Law Firms
  • Legal Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Real Estate Firms
  • Trust Companies
  • Financial Institutions

Admission Requirements:

  • High school graduation or equivalent *

* (From an English language teaching institution)


  • Mature student status **

** (19 years of age upon starting classes, and Pass college’s English admissions test)

  • Practicum placements provide real-world experience
  • Career Services department provides assistance in finding jobs and building resumes
  • Hands-on training
  • Experienced instructors
  • Market-driven programs
  • Law Firms
  • Legal Departments
  • Government Agencies
  • Real Estate Firms
  • Trust Companies
  • Financial Institutions
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Industry Certifications

Gain a distinct advantage by earning industry-recognized certifications that validate your expertise and skills in key areas such as digital marketing, project management, and CRM. Our program prepares you to succeed, whether you're advancing, switching careers, or starting your own business. Invest in yourself and join a community of certified professionals shaping the digital economy.

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Industry Leading Employers

Our extensive network and reputation for excellence ensure that graduates are in high demand in today's competitive job market. Prepare to excel in sought-after roles with renowned companies and unlock limitless career opportunities. Elevate your career trajectory and secure your future with our program tailored to meet the demands of industry leaders.

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Hear From Our Graduates

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My instructor is more than helpful. She always makes time to help every student with their work. She does not just show you how but makes you think how and why so you fully understand the concept yourself.

Alex M.

Paralegal Graduate

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I am happy to have attended such a wonderful college, where the administrative staff and teachers are doing a great job. The teachers in the program were very knowledgeable and know their craft.

Norbert N.

Legal Program Graduate

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