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Certificate Program

Early Childhood Education


44 weeks

Qualified Instructors

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Become An Early Childhood Educator and Make A Difference.

CDI College's Early Childhood Education program, approved by the ECE Registry of British Columbia and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, allows students to gain theoretical and practical experience through observation and practicum hours in real-life daycare settings.

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Approved & Designated 

This program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of British Columbia. 

Program Intro Background

Program Courses

Student Success Strategies [SSS4]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and study techniques to help foster effective learning and a positive educational experience. This course explores two components of learning styles, Multiple Intelligence-based theory and Personality Spectrum – MBTI-based theory, and how learning styles and personality types affect learning. The course will cover the importance of values, their relationship to goals and goal setting. Strategies for setting personal goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and the stress that results from study or work situations will be explored and practiced through active participation in learner-centred activities. Effective study habits, techniques for preparing for tests and productive note taking strategies are key topics of this course that will provide the students with the necessary skills and attitudes to be successful in school. Having a sound understanding of financial, money, credit and debt matters and their implication on our lives is critical knowledge to have. Students taking this course will benefit from completing the Financial Management Workshops, which provides comprehensive coverage of financial and money management skills that will allow them to better save, budget, and manage their money and financial situations.

Introduction to Computers [ITC4]

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This course introduces the students to the basic elements of using a computer with an emphasis on the functionality of an operating system and tasks related to file management and word processing. Relying very heavily on a hands-on practical training approach, students learn by doing through skills based
simulations, training and assessments. The course provides an overview of Microsoft 365 where you will learn about the common features of the applications and file management fundamentals. The course then focuses on the core features of Microsoft Word where students learn proper document formatting, organization and editing using the tools and features of the ribbon. The course will then continue with more advanced topics such as working with tables, lists, objects, templates footnotes and endnotes and mail merges.

Introduction to Early Childhood Education [ECE1100]

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This module will detail the history of the ECE environment in British Columbia including an overview of the licensing agency and acts and regulations responsible for childcare facilities and childcare facility staff. Students complete assignments to build practical understanding of licensing, staff qualifications, educator/child ratio, and activities. As the course is aptly named, several important regulations, philosophies, and common themes are introduced here and are reinforced throughout the program as well:


  • British Columbia Child Care Sector Occupational Competencies
  • British Columbia Early Learning Framework
  • Child Care Licensing Regulation
  • Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia (ECEBC) Code of Ethics
  • Child Care BC Act
  • Community Care and Assisted Living Act
  • Child Care Subsidy Act
  • Child Care Subsidy Regulation
  • Safe Play Space Standard of Practice
  • Family Child Care Standard of Practice
  • StrongStart BC early learning programs
  • Writing across the curriculum
  • Pedagogical narration and peer review
  • Creating portfolios
  • Teaching theories (e.g. Reggio Emilia approach,
  • Montessori, etc.)

Developing Activity Plans [ECE1160]

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The focus of this module is on the development and implementation of age- and stage-appropriate activities. Students will learn how to set learning objectives and design and evaluate activities and lessons. Ideally this course is studied in the early phase of the program, as the skills learned apply to assignments and study of various subject areas of curriculum covered in the ECE program.

Learning Through Play [ECE2110]

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In play, children represent and transform the world around them, providing other children and adults with a window into their thoughts and perceptions and often helping adults to the see world in new ways. This guiding principle, a key point in the Early Learning Framework and supported by HealthyFamiliesBC, is enveloped into the full ECE program with a comprehensive introduction in this course. This module focuses on the development of strategies based on theories of play to enhance the value of constructive and positive play in the childcare environment.

Communities, Families and Support Networks [ECE1110]

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Professional responsibilities and the roles of Early Childhood Educators will be explored. The hierarchy and communication among family-based team members as well as the role of staffing will be addressed. Students will also learn about legal and ethical practice issues, the role of confidentiality, acceptable behaviours, and standards of care. Special topics will include practices of ECE for immigrant and refugee children in BC, application of the Code of Ethics, and the function of the Child Care Resource & Referral Program in communities across BC.

Communication and Interpersonal Relationships [ECE1120]

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This module will introduce students to positive communication skills, verbal and non-verbal, in an ever-changing diverse and multicultural environment. Communication, conflict resolution, and issue understanding are key elements explored in this module.

Child Growth and Development I [ECE 1131]

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This module is an in-depth study of all aspects of child development from infancy to early childhood. Students will look at theories of human development and how these theories affect the practices of early childhood educators. The purpose of this module is to give students thorough background knowledge of child growth and development. As a result of this module, students will be able to identify the unique developmental needs of children and cater their early childhood programs to meet those needs. Students are eligible to apply for an Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECEA) certificate after successful completion of this course; this will enable a student to elect to work in the field while completing their ECE education.

Language Study Observation Practicum [ECE 1135]

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During the classroom portion, a key area of coverage is ‘Observing and Recording: Theory and Practice’ to prepare students for observation and practice education components. Students are eligible to apply for an Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECEA) certificate after successful completion of this course; this will enable a student to elect to work in the field while completing their ECE education.

Child Study Observation Practicum [ECE1140]

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This is a two-week observation practicum supervised by a certified early childhood educator (sponsor supervisor) with additional observation and evaluation by an ECE faculty member from the college. The focus will be on workplace conduct, routines and environment, working with children individually, and parent-teacher partnerships, as well as working on a child study of one child focusing on the developmental stages and behaviours of the child.

Guidance, Caring and Behaviour Management [ECE 1151]

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This module will develop practitioner skills necessary to provide a positive, safe, and nurturing environment. Strategies for guidance, discipline, and conflict will be examined through in-class work and observation assignments. The course includes a two-day observation for the assignment ‘Guidance Observation’. Students are eligible to apply for an Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECEA) certificate after successful completion of this course; this will enable a student to elect to work in the field while completing their ECE education.

Arts and Creative Development [ECE1170]

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This module is centred on understanding and facilitating hands-on arts and crafts experience. Students have the opportunity to place developmental theories into practice throughout this module. Assignments include learning to record the behaviour and actions of children involved in the drawing process (pedagogical narration) as well as building resource files for future use and preparing activity plans.

Music and Movement [ECE2120]

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This module deals with physical, social, and emotional growth through a variety of structured music and movement programs. Students record and describe the ways in which children are exposed to music and how it can be utilized to set atmosphere, ease transitions and waiting periods, and guide and redirect behaviour. This course also introduces resources from organizations such as LEAP BC™, that promote healthy child development through physical movement while integrating activity and play with literacy and education during engagement with young children in programs like Move™ and Hop™.

Program Planning and Implementation [ECE2170]

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Students learn to create program plans that include the setting of short and long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional goals for clients. This module takes a holistic view of assisting in the fulfilment of client needs.

Language and Literature [ECE1180]

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This module aims to develop students' understanding of language acquisition and the benefits of exposure to literature. Through the study of early childhood experiences in language arts, strategies to introduce children to age- and content-appropriate literature will be covered.

Drama and Creative Expression [ECE2130]

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Diverse lifestyles, multi-cultural experiences, and varied social settings are explored through the construct of imaginative play environments. Assignments include the development of play prop boxes that can be used to encourage drama in a childcare facility.

Introduction to Practicum [ECE1190]

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Expectations, documentation, policies, and procedures highlight this module as preparation for practicum placements. Students meet with sponsor supervisors at placement sites to build their comfort level and discuss facility procedures, practicum assignments, and other requirements. Students also have the opportunity to outline personal goals and objectives and how they expect to achieve them. There is also an open and supportive forum to discuss potential fears and concerns students may have as they anticipate their practicum experience. This course is included in the practicum hours as approved by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Foundation Practicum I: Language and Art [ECE2100]

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This is a formative, three-week integrated community-based practicum, supervised by a certified early childhood educator (sponsor supervisor) with additional observation and evaluation by ECE faculty members from the college. This is an opportunity to put theory into practice in a child-care facility in order to develop competency levels. Emphasis at this formative stage of the program is on language and art.

Science and Math [ECE2140]

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This module will enable students to build and incorporate science and math activities into the childcare environment. Students will complete assignments to further their exploration and understanding of science and math learning activities. A component of this course also introduces technology applications in the early childhood environment.

Social Studies [ECE2150]

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Students focus on key features of social study activities into planning for children. Universal family units, social sensitivity, and multiculturalism are covered in detail. Students will complete assignements to further their exploration and understanding of social studies learning activities.

Planning Indoor and Outdoor Play Environments [ECE 2181]

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The purpose of this module is to help students develop the knowledge needed to create early childhood environments that enhance learning and further development. This module will aid students in understanding that quality environments for children are conducive to optimal growth and development. At the end of this module students will be prepared with the necessary skills and knowledge to plan and arrange a childcare environment that nurtures the whole child. Students will be able to evaluate the functional, physical and aesthetic components of space for children. This module may include a two-day observation in a child care center.

Health, Safety, and Nutrition [ECE2160]

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This module will address proactive measures for reactive methods of addressing illness prevention, disease transmission, abuse, and childhood behaviours such as bullying. Assignments may include practical application such as menu evaluations, shopping assignments, and Occupational Health & Safety Regulation applications, as well as topics related to nutrition, healthy eating programs, and the Canada Food Guide. Students will also take a one-day Emergency Child Care First Aid and CPR program through external certification. Students also will be trained in FoodSafe™ - Level I certification (8 hours). Students should note that some of the training covered in this course will require more than five hours of class time on specific days in the schedule. Students are eligible to apply for an Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECEA) certificate after successful completion of this course; this will enable a student to elect to work in the field while completing their ECE education.

Daycare Administration [ECE3100]

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During this module, students will have the opportunity to debrief on their earlier practicum and observation experiences and review the application and development of skills and core concepts learned throughout the program. Basic centre administration will be covered including budgeting, scheduling, centre structure, and organization, as well as other management skills. A guest speaker (licensing officer) is normally scheduled for this course.

Practicum II: Summative Practice [ECE2190]

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During this practicum, students will undergo work-based experience in which they plan and deliver childcare. Students will have numerous opportunities to complete prepared activity plans, observe children at play, observe, and evaluate typical and challenging behaviours. There will be supervision by a certified Early Childhood Educator (Sponsor Supervisor). During this competency-based practicum, students will also be observed and evaluated by an ECE Faculty member from the college.

Career & Employment Strategies [CES4]

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In addition to learning career-oriented skills, students learn how to get a job in their chosen profession. Our Employment Services department will assist the graduate in resume writing, as well as preparing for job interviews. Our staff is sensitive to current job market trends and the needs of employers in each local market.
Our graduates receive guidance and training to use career tools that help job seekers build a better resume and cover letter, manage an online portfolio, hone interviewing skills, and develop a personal brand online.
Students will have the use of a computer lab which has unlimited Internet access, as well as job search resources. Facilitators will also be made available to advise on job finding resources, interview skills and techniques and to carry out mock interviews.

This course also looks at the planning, preparation, execution, and follow-up stages of an interview:

  • How people find jobs
  • Employer expectations
  • Presenting an enthusiastic attitude
  • Focusing on the right job and the hidden job market
  • Transferrable skills
  • Thank you letters
  • Effective telemarketing
  • Handling objections, self-confidence, and self-esteem
  • Individual counselling and coaching

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

Students must meet all of the pre-requisites listed below, meet
their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge 
their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures 
provided in the student handbook, prior to starting classes. 

  • High school graduation or equivalent * 

* (From an English language teaching institution) 

  •  Mature student status ** 

** (19 years of age upon starting classes, and Pass college’s 
English admissions test.) 

  • Administrative Requirements for Admissions:

Interview with campus director, program co-ordinator, or 
 Current resume (record of work history) 

  •  Three character references
  • Work Experience Placement Requirements:
    • Criminal record check
    • Up-to-date immunization report
  • Program meets the academic requirements necessary to apply to the registry for provincial certification as an ECE in BC
  • Receive certification in emergency child care First Aid & CPR / AED Level B
  • Receive real-world experience through practicum placements
  • Learn from industry-experienced instructors who focus on the most relevant information to your program
  • Receive knowledge and skills to open your own daycare
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Enter a career that's in high-demand
  • Daycare supervisor 
  • Daycare worker 
  • Early childhood educator 
  • Early childhood educator assistant 
  • Early childhood program staff assistant 
  • Early childhood supervisor 
  • Preschool helper 
  • Preschool supervisor 
  • Daycare teacher 
  • Daycare helper 
  • Early childhood education worker 

Students must meet all of the pre-requisites listed below, meet
their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge 
their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures 
provided in the student handbook, prior to starting classes. 

  • High school graduation or equivalent * 

* (From an English language teaching institution) 

  •  Mature student status ** 

** (19 years of age upon starting classes, and Pass college’s 
English admissions test.) 

  • Administrative Requirements for Admissions:

Interview with campus director, program co-ordinator, or 
 Current resume (record of work history) 

  •  Three character references
  • Work Experience Placement Requirements:
    • Criminal record check
    • Up-to-date immunization report
  • Program meets the academic requirements necessary to apply to the registry for provincial certification as an ECE in BC
  • Receive certification in emergency child care First Aid & CPR / AED Level B
  • Receive real-world experience through practicum placements
  • Learn from industry-experienced instructors who focus on the most relevant information to your program
  • Receive knowledge and skills to open your own daycare
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Enter a career that's in high-demand
  • Daycare supervisor 
  • Daycare worker 
  • Early childhood educator 
  • Early childhood educator assistant 
  • Early childhood program staff assistant 
  • Early childhood supervisor 
  • Preschool helper 
  • Preschool supervisor 
  • Daycare teacher 
  • Daycare helper 
  • Early childhood education worker 
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Industry Certifications

Gain a distinct advantage by earning industry-recognized certifications that validate your expertise and skills in key areas such as digital marketing, project management, and CRM. Our program prepares you to succeed, whether you're advancing, switching careers, or starting your own business. Invest in yourself and join a community of certified professionals shaping the digital economy.

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Industry Leading Employers

Our extensive network and reputation for excellence ensure that graduates are in high demand in today's competitive job market. Prepare to excel in sought-after roles with renowned companies and unlock limitless career opportunities. Elevate your career trajectory and secure your future with our program tailored to meet the demands of industry leaders.

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Hear From Our Graduates

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My instructor is always available and she is totally devoted to her job. I had a warm welcome when I started and I was able to integrate well. The staff is dedicated and thoughtful.

Marylou T.

Early Childhood Education Graduate

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My educational journey at CDI College was smooth and enjoyable. My instructors were exceptional. They were always supportive and friendly, they kept us updated with all the required assignments, ensuring we understood everything on time. The program was well-organized, and any concerns I had were promptly addressed by the instructors.

Saira K.

Early Childhood Education Graduate

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