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Diploma Program

Education Assistant


43 weeks

Qualified Instructors

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Median Wage

$27 /hour

*; 2025

Master the fundamentals of Education Assistant

The Education Assistant program will teach you how to work with children who need a little extra support to reach their full potential.

In less than a year, you'll have the job-ready career training to create inclusive classrooms and learning experiences, assist teachers in early childhood education settings, elementary schools, and secondary schools, or help children and youth in your community.

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Approved & Designated 

This program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of British Columbia. 

Program Intro Background

Program Courses

Student Success Strategies [SSS4]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and study techniques to help foster effective learning and a positive educational experience. This course explores two components of learning styles, Multiple Intelligence-based theory and Personality Spectrum – MBTI-based theory, and how learning styles and personality types affect learning. The course will cover the importance of values, their relationship to goals and goal setting. Strategies for setting personal goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and the stress that results from study or work situations will be explored and practiced through active participation in learner-centred activities. Effective study habits, techniques for preparing for tests and productive note taking strategies are key topics of this course that will provide the students with the necessary skills and attitudes to be successful in school. Having a sound understanding of financial, money, credit and debt matters and their implication on our lives is critical knowledge to have. Students taking this course will benefit from completing the Financial Management Workshops, which provides comprehensive coverage of financial and money management skills that will allow them to better save, budget, and manage their money and financial situations.

Being an Education Assistant [EA100]

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Students will analyze their own educational beliefs and how those beliefs will assist them within their role as an educational assistant. Students will explore and expand their knowledge of the provincial and school boards philosophies and how their role is best utilized to support the children. Students will also be introduced to individual educational plans and how these plans support the child. The purpose of this module is to assist students with the understanding of the role of the educational assistant within the school board system and how they can best support children and community. Emphasis will focus on a variety of learning styles and how individual educational plans can best support learning outcomes.

Foundations of Inclusive Education [EA110]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with a better understanding of how an inclusive environments foster healthy learners within the Canadian school system. Students examine different ways to include children of all needs and abilities in a classroom and are provided with strategies to foster inclusion by individualizing learning for each student, regardless of their exceptionality. They explore fundamental background knowledge in the field of special education. Topics include an introduction to the individual education plan, students with various learning challenges, and equity and diversity. The course also provides an introduction to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which addresses the support of students with diverse learning needs

Child and Adolescent Development [EA120]

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How does a teacher learn to be outstanding? One key pathway is to learn the science of child development and know how to apply it in the classroom. This provides teachers (and education assistants) with a solid foundation from which to problem solve how to best educate each student. To be successful, one must understand each student as a learning, feeling, relating human being. The goal of this course is to help participants create classrooms that optimize students’ development. Using case studies, research, and reflections on practice, students gain a solid foundation in developmental psychology as well as practical skills for applying that knowledge in a classroom. The course emphasizes diversity – individual and group –age trends, and classroom implications, along with sections on the foundations of child development, the cognitive child, the emotional child, the social child, and the whole child. This course will address human development from conception through adolescence, with a focus on childhood to teenage years. Students will learn about fetal development and the effect of teratogens on an unborn child. There will be in depth review of a child’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive and cultural development. Students will study psychological theories and how they relate to child development.

Communication and Communicative Disorders [EA130]

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Students are introduced to the basic concepts and methods related to studying communication, covering both typical speech and language development along with information on disordered speech and language. Foundational science is covered as well as articulation, phonology, and related disorders. Language development in children and the related disorders are also studied, including communication in a multicultural society and its characteristics and these speech/language differences versus disorders. Students are introduced to the basic concept of communication and its five fundamental principles, and to understand the importance of having communication competence. Each communication principle is discussed and illustrated to help students see the value and centrality of these principles in their lives. Students also learn how to apply five communication principles to interpersonal relationship, to better understand the nature and function of communication in relationships. In addition, students learn how groups and teams work, as well as to apply strategies for collaboratively solving problems with groups and teams. Other subjects in this course cover various impairments and conditions: voice disorders; swallowing disorders; fluency disorders; the anatomy and physiology of hearing and hearing disorders; and hearing testing and management of hearing disorders. During this course, students are also introduced to American Sign Language (ASL) where they begin to learn basic vocabulary development, the manual alphabet, simple structures, and grammatical forms of ASL, history, finger spelling, numbers, terminology, and insight into the culture and community of deaf people.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication [EA135]

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Student will learn about various methods of augmentative and alternative communication and assistive technology, software and programs that can assist children and adults with communication. This course includes curriculum based on SET-BC standards: augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, activities, and ways of thinking. Students will be introduced to, accessibility options for computers and communication boards, and Blisssymbolics. The course requires students to maintain a blog or learning log and a project building an assistive technology (AT) plan and implementation analysis after working with a special needs student. This term project must be completed by the end of the first practicum.

Four additional workshops, with accompanying certificates of completion, are part of this course. These workshops include lecture, group and online learning activities, and assignments required to be completed.

Professional Communication for the Education Assistant [EA141]

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Pre-requisite: EA100 This course provides a comprehensive study of effective communication skills and techniques the student will use both professionally and personally. Students will sharpen skills to work effectively in a professional helping relationship including communicating with parents, administrators, and colleagues. The focus of the course is on the classroom and student, the rationale for using certain communication strategies, and guidance on how to implement them. Many issues are discussed, including interpersonal and small group communication; listening skills; verbal and nonverbal communication (from both the EA’s and student’s perspective); instructional strategies such as lecturing, discussions, and storytelling; teacher influence; ethical considerations; and racism/sexism in the classroom. Students will deliver a mini-lesson for a lecture or a small group discussion and a communicative reading session targeted for a small group of children.

Teaching Students with Learning and Behavioural Differences [EA150]

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All children are special; however, children with exceptionalities have difficulty reaching their full potential. Their intellectual, emotional, physical, or social performance falls below or rises above that of other children. They have special needs related to physical, psychological, emotional, or social factors, or a combination of these. This course examines students with exceptionalities within Canadian schools. It stresses the psychological, cognitive, social, and physical differences that more and less able learners bring to the teaching/learning situation, the unique difficulties faced by children who are exceptional, the developmental consequences of various exceptionalities, and the multiple types of interventions necessary to accommodate these students effectively. The age range spans infants to young adults. Emphasis is placed on children with mild differences in learning and children with behavioural disorders.

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Foundation Course [PD-NCI]

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This is a two-day workshop of certified training on behaviour management. The first day focuses participants on gaining a basic understanding of crisis intervention methods with the emphasis on early intervention and non-physical methods for preventing or managing disruptive behaviour. The second day of training expands on crisis intervention methods to include the study and practice of holding skills, used as a last resort when an individual becomes an immediate danger to themselves or others.

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applied Behaviour Analysis [EA160A]

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Children with autism are sometimes challenging to accommodate in the classroom setting. Students will learn the characteristics of autism, teaching strategies, and behaviour modifications/adaptations to assist children who are on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) topics include the following: characteristics of ASD, cognitive profiles and ranges of ability, diagnosis and assessment, theory of mind, challenging behaviour, sensory differences, communication and social skills, effective instructional practices, and applications in the classroom. Students will also learn how a diagnosis of autism affects families and how to work collaboratively with these families. The course also includes a foundational introduction to Applied Behavioral Analysis; ABA topics include the following: basic ABA theory and definitions, implementing basic ABA instructional strategies and techniques, how to collect reliable and consistent data when working with students, the ABCs of behaviour, and reinforcement strategies for children. Students will also learn the following: discrete trial teaching format, errorless learning techniques, recording the level of prompting for instruction when collecting data, the definition of prompts, shaping a behaviour or skill, identifying chaining strategies and prompting levels, completing a task analysis and collecting data, and identifying naturalistic opportunities for instruction.

Introduction to Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS) [EA161A]

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The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) rapidly teaches communication skills to those with limited functional speech. PECs promote communication in a social context without lengthy prerequisite training. Training in PECs begins by teaching a spontaneous request and goes on to teach additional communicative functions such as responding to questions and commenting. An added attraction for preschool children with autism and related disorders is the high proportion of children who acquire independent speech. Students will learn how to implement the six phases of PECS, plus attributes, through video examples and practice opportunities. There is an understanding of how to implement PECS with individuals with autism, related developmental disabilities, and/or limited communication skills. PECS is created and demonstrated through the assignments (Communication Binder, PECS demonstrations, and PECS Board). These assignments are well-versed in the school settings therefore students will greatly benefit from creating and implementing PECS. Case studies and online modules will be used to get a deeper understanding of PECS.

Teaching Students with Mental Health Disorders [EA171]

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Students are introduced to the definition of mental illness and disorders, the terminology used by professionals working in the field of mental health, and the issue of mental illness and its stigma in the classroom and society in general. Many areas are covered including neurodevelopmental disorders; disruptive behaviour disorders; attention deficits; anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders; trauma and stressor-related disorders; suicidal behaviour; mood disturbances; and eating disorders. Some special attention is given to the role of educators in supporting students’ mental health and well-being. A presentation/report is assigned for students to demonstrate their knowledge from research on a specific mental health disorder. Students will identify trauma-informed approaches to supporting children, youth and families, and the principles of trauma-informed practice; trauma awareness; safety and trustworthiness; choice, collaboration and connections and strengths based and skill building. Students will participate in completing an online certificate.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) [PD-ASIST]

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ASIST is an internationally recognized two-day workshop which uses multimedia presentations in a practice-oriented training to build skills and confidence in suicide intervention. The ASIST workshop is divided into five sections that follow in a logical progression to gradually build comfort and understanding around suicide and suicide intervention.

Working with Learners with Reading and Math Challenges [EA180]

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Throughout this course, students will learn various strategies in language and math, such as Base 10 principles and TouchMath. Students will be required to put together two lessons and present to class (one for reading, one for math). Students will also earn a certificate after completing sessions and assignments for “Overview of the Orton-Gillingham Approach”. Topics include the characteristics of the individual with dyslexia; principles of the Orton-Gillingham Approach; brain organization and multi-sensory instruction; phonology and the language system; structure of the English language; history of the English language; and lesson planning using the approach.Students will then participate in seminar training that guides them step-by-step through TouchMath® computation and methodology. This multisensory approach combines auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic elements that enable students of all learning styles to be successful. Participants will practise and quickly master TouchMath counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

English Language Learning in Special Education [EA200]

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This course provides students with knowledge of how language is developed in a child, starting with foundations of linguistics; communication development in infancy; phonological development; semantic development; morphology and syntax; development of communicative competence; theoretical approaches to language acquisition; variation in language development; atypical language development; language and literacy in school years; and bilingual language development. The course also reviews language development and the reasons it is difficult to learn for some students and the basics of distinguishing between various communication disorders versus second language acquisition. Some basic principles and approaches to teaching English as a second language are outlined as well.

Supporting Learners with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [EA210]

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This course is organized around areas of concern and a clear understanding of the needs of students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAS/E) by defining FAS/E, describing the common learning and behavioural characteristics of children with FAS/E, and strategies that may be helpful in meeting the challenges these children present in the classroom. Needs and strategies for several characteristics are discussed, including attention difficulties, cause and effect thinking, social skills, personal skills, memory skills, language development, reading and writing, motor skills, mathematics skills, science skills, and fine arts. Students will also learn to develop a sample IEP through case studies of examples; other activities include observation and discussion during a meeting with parents, common misinterpretations of normal responses in students with FAS/E, and various skills checklists (scenarios and group work).

Supporting Learners with Acquired Brain Injury, Physical, and Chronic Health Impairments [EA220]

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This course introduces students to planning and supporting students with brain injuries, who may suffer from both physical and chronic health impairments. Topics include structure and function of the brain; defining Acquired Brain Injury; characteristics associated with ABI planning supports and teaching these students; managing challenging behaviours, students with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI); and transition planning. Students will participate in discussions regarding the role of Educational Assistants in supporting students with ABI, and participate in looking at case studies and the development of an IEP.

Supporting Learners with Hearing and Visual Impairments [EA230]

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This course introduces students to ways to support learners who are hard of hearing and deaf, those with visual impairments, and those identified as gifted. Students will develop an understanding of the definition of those who are hard of hearing or deaf, visually impaired or gifted. They will learn how to prepare to teach these students, their identification and assessment, understanding the needs of these students, and planning and implementing programs. The second part of the course is using American Sign Language in the classroom. This follows up on “Introductory Sign Language” with reviews, discussions, and a project using sign language with a student, including practical examples and presentation.

Teaching Life Skills [EA250]

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During this course, students will have had training (e.g. Applied Behavioural Analysis) and be able to practically apply behaviour management theory and understand their effects on a child’s behaviour. Students will be challenged to apply knowledge of ABA and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) in role plays and hands-on assignments in order to practise how to teach life skills and behaviour management. Using provincial guidelines, students will learn about adaptations and modifications to IEPs where outcomes address functional life skills.

Supporting Personal Care [EA261]

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This course is designed to provide crucial information on physical management skills and specialized health care procedures for students with disabilities. Participants learn specific strategies for addressing such physical management areas as lifting, transferring, positioning, and mobility. Step-by-step procedures are also provided, such as tube feeding and clean intermittent catheterization, as well as information on what to do if a problem occurs. Discussion also predicates these self-help skills with the concept of encouraging independence. Self-help skills include eating and feeding techniques, tube feeding, toilet training, urinary collection, and colostomy management. Respiratory procedures are also learned: tracheostomy care, secretion management, oxygen management, and ventilator management (in BC, these procedures can only be performed by nurses, so the lines of responsibility are clearly indicated). Other topics and procedures include assisting students with diabetes, seizures, and glucose testing. All of the skills and procedures learned are practised in the college’s health care lab and strict guidelines are presented to emphasize the role of an EA in providing personal care skills within the role of the educational team, nurse, and other colleagues. Students are tested on several procedures and must successfully and safely complete the skills checklists, as well as demonstrate the knowledge of the material in written examinations.


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Canadian law requires that any person exposed to hazardous materials in the workplace must be trained in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). This course has been developed to meet and exceed the Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. WHMIS 2015 training includes the new Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling for chemicals (GHS), as well as WHMIS legislation introduced in 1988.

Course content includes:

  • WHMIS introduction
  • WHMIS 1988 classes, divisions, and symbols; personal protective equipment; labels and storage; material safety data sheets
  • WHMIS 2015 groups, classes, and categories
  • WHMIS 2015 Physical Hazard and Health Hazards groups’
  • WHMIS 2015 labels and storage
  • WHMIS 2015 safety data sheets

Standard First Aid with CPR-C and AED [PD-SFA-CPRC]

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“Core Competency: Understand Level I/CPR First Aid 1. Explain the techniques of CPR 2. Identify the symptoms of various emergencies 3. Explain the prevention of disease transmission Core Competency: Skill (the key behaviours that a student is expected to be able to perform upon completion of subject) Core Competency: Perform Level I/CPR First Aid 1. Respond to cardiovascular emergencies 2. Perform the techniques to combat choking, airway and breathing emergencies 3. Use proper safety measures

Education Assistant Practicum I (4 weeks) [EA398]

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Students are required to complete a practicum at an assigned school (either private/independent or public institution) for a total of four weeks. Students will be monitored by both the practicum host and the college throughout the duration of the practicum; this ensures students apply their knowledge and skills learned during the program into practice. The practicum may be in a variety of settings, such as an elementary school, high school class, and special programs. There are two practicum sessions that will be completed by students, for a total of eight weeks. The actual hours may vary depending on the practicum host arrangements, typically six or more hours per day, five days per week (less hours for touchback sessions). These practicum touchback sessions are scheduled weekly during the practicum period (approximately three hours per session); a cohort will attend these sessions at the college (for discussing their practicum experience, raising questions, sharing best practices, and submitting assignments).

Education Assistant Practicum II (4 weeks) [EA399]

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Students are required to complete a practicum at an assigned school (either private/independent or public institution) for a total of four weeks. Students will be monitored by both the practicum host and the college throughout the duration of the practicum; this ensures students apply their knowledge and skills learned during the program into practice. The practicum may be in a variety of settings, such as an elementary school, high school class, and special programs. There are two practicum sessions that will be completed by students, for a total of eight weeks. The actual hours may vary depending on the practicum host arrangements, typically six or more hours per day, five days per week (less hours for touchback sessions). These practicum touchback sessions are scheduled weekly during the practicum period (approximately three hours per session); a cohort will attend these sessions at the college (for discussing their practicum experience, raising questions, sharing best practices, and submitting assignments).

Career & Employment Strategies [CES4]

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In addition to learning career-oriented skills, students learn how to get a job in their chosen profession. Our Employment Services department will assist the graduate in resume writing, as well as preparing for job interviews. Our staff is sensitive to current job market trends and the needs of employers in each local market.
Our graduates receive guidance and training to use career tools that help job seekers build a better resume and cover letter, manage an online portfolio, hone interviewing skills, and develop a personal brand online.
Students will have the use of a computer lab which has unlimited Internet access, as well as job search resources. Facilitators will also be made available to advise on job finding resources, interview skills and techniques and to carry out mock interviews.

This course also looks at the planning, preparation, execution, and follow-up stages of an interview:

  • How people find jobs
  • Employer expectations
  • Presenting an enthusiastic attitude
  • Focusing on the right job and the hidden job market
  • Transferrable skills
  • Thank you letters
  • Effective telemarketing
  • Handling objections, self-confidence, and self-esteem
  • Individual counselling and coaching

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

Students must meet all of the prerequisites listed below, meet their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures provided in the student handbook prior to starting classes. 

Academic Requirements for Admissions: 

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalent (General Education Development or BC Adult Basic Education)* 


  • Mature student status (19 years of age upon starting classes)
  • Passing the College’s General Math Exam with a passing score of 50%


  • Proof of English Language proficiency

Note: Transcripts from an institution outside of Canada must be verified by an international education credential evaluation service, such as WES or ICES. 


Administrative Requirements for Admissions: 

  • Three character references 

It is an asset for students who have volunteer or paid work experience with children who have required support in school or a related setting.


Practicum, Clinical Placement or Preceptorship Requirements:

  • Criminal record check (in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act)
  • Up-to-date immunization report (form provided by college) 
  • Get certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention, Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical, and Standard First Aid with CPR ‘C’ and AED
  • Receive real-world experience through practicum placements
  • Learn from industry-experienced instructors who focus on the most relevant information to your program
  • Receive knowledge and skills to open your own daycare
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Jobs in education are in demand
  • Education Assistant in Elementary and Secondary Schools
  • Early Childhood Education Settings
  • Community Care and Youth Centres
  • Recreation Programs
  • Home/Community Support
  • Group Homes
  • Family Service Centres

Students must meet all of the prerequisites listed below, meet their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures provided in the student handbook prior to starting classes. 

Academic Requirements for Admissions: 

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalent (General Education Development or BC Adult Basic Education)* 


  • Mature student status (19 years of age upon starting classes)
  • Passing the College’s General Math Exam with a passing score of 50%


  • Proof of English Language proficiency

Note: Transcripts from an institution outside of Canada must be verified by an international education credential evaluation service, such as WES or ICES. 


Administrative Requirements for Admissions: 

  • Three character references 

It is an asset for students who have volunteer or paid work experience with children who have required support in school or a related setting.


Practicum, Clinical Placement or Preceptorship Requirements:

  • Criminal record check (in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act)
  • Up-to-date immunization report (form provided by college) 
  • Get certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention, Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Practical, and Standard First Aid with CPR ‘C’ and AED
  • Receive real-world experience through practicum placements
  • Learn from industry-experienced instructors who focus on the most relevant information to your program
  • Receive knowledge and skills to open your own daycare
  • Learn in an inclusive environment
  • Jobs in education are in demand
  • Education Assistant in Elementary and Secondary Schools
  • Early Childhood Education Settings
  • Community Care and Youth Centres
  • Recreation Programs
  • Home/Community Support
  • Group Homes
  • Family Service Centres
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Language Proficiency

Evidence of English proficiency is required upon admission by meeting one of the following: 

1. Completion of 3 years of full-time secondary education (Grades 8-12) or 2 years (grades 10, 11 or 12) in a country where English is one of the principal languages. This may be demonstrated by providing a high school transcript, completion of a BC Adult Graduation program or providing international education credentials recognized through WES, ICES, or IQAS. 

2. Completion of 2 years of full-time post-secondary education* at an accredited institution where English is the language principal of instruction. International education credentials must be recognized through WES, ICES, and IQAS). 

*Language development courses (i.e., ELL courses) cannot be included in this calculation. 

3. Minimum accepted English Language Proficiency assessment test scores (see table on the right):

4. Mature Students Only:

  • Applicant is 19 years or older at the start of the program and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and 
  • Applicant completes an Accuplacer English Assessment  and achieves the following minimum scores: Reading: 230, Writing: 230, WritePlacer: 4 

Important note: this option may only be applied when English is the program’s language of instruction, the applicant is a mature domestic student facing barriers, and the applicant cannot access their educational records or cannot provide sufficient evidence of secondary or post-secondary education as outlined in this policy.

Test Details


Minimum 5.5 overall
TOEFL IBT Minimum 46
CELPIP Listening 6
Speaking 6
Reading 5
Writing 5
CAEL Minimum 40
PTE Academic Minimum 43
Duolingo Minimum 95
Cambridge English Qualifications B2 First exam (FCE) Minimum 160 or "C"
Cambridge Linguaskill  Minimum B2 First exam
LANGUAGECERT Academic Minimum B2 level
Michigan English Test (MET) Minimum B2 level
iTEP Academic Minimum overall score of 3.5
EIKEN Minimum placement of Grade Pre-1

Assessment of prior education where English is the language of instruction 
Education completed (in English) in the following countries will be considered as counting toward an assessment of prior education in 


American Samoa Dominica Lesotho St. Kitts & Nevis 
Anguilla Falkland Islands Liberia St. Lucia 
Antigua and Barbuda Fiji Malta St. Vincent & the Grenadines 
Australia Gambia Mauritius Tanzania 
Bahamas Ghana Montserrat Trinidad & Tobago 
Barbados Gibraltar New Zealand Turks & Caicos Islands 
Belize Grenada Nigeria Uganda 
Bermuda Guam Seychelles United Kingdom 
Botswana Guyana Sierra Leone US Virgin Islands 
British Virgin Islands Ireland Singapore USA 
Canada Jamaica South Africa Zambia 
Cayman Islands Kenya St. Helena Zimbabwe

Industry Certifications

Gain a distinct advantage by earning industry-recognized certifications that validate your expertise and skills in key areas such as digital marketing, project management, and CRM. Our program prepares you to succeed, whether you're advancing, switching careers, or starting your own business. Invest in yourself and join a community of certified professionals shaping the digital economy.

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Industry Leading Employers

Our extensive network and reputation for excellence ensure that graduates are in high demand in today's competitive job market. Prepare to excel in sought-after roles with renowned companies and unlock limitless career opportunities. Elevate your career trajectory and secure your future with our program tailored to meet the demands of industry leaders.

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Hear From Our Graduates

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My instructor is always available and she is totally devoted to her job. I had a warm welcome when I started and I was able to integrate well. The staff is dedicated and thoughtful.

Marylou T.

Early Childhood Education Graduate

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My educational journey at CDI College was smooth and enjoyable. My instructors were exceptional. They were always supportive and friendly, they kept us updated with all the required assignments, ensuring we understood everything on time. The program was well-organized, and any concerns I had were promptly addressed by the instructors.

Saira K.

Early Childhood Education Graduate

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