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Canadian Government Helping to Fight Diabetes in Alberta

January 3, 2012 | Alberta

While there are many reasons to enroll in nursing programs, many students pursue a career in the healthcare industry specifically to help individuals facing life-threatening conditions. Those who are interested in assisting people suffering from diabetes received good news last week, as the federal government announced funding for a number of local projects under the Canadian Diabetes Strategy (CDS).

The funding will benefit the Calgary Urban Project Society and Hypertension Canada, two organizations that work closely with individuals at risk for and currently stricken with diabetes, teaching them to manage their condition and improve their lives. This is just the latest project to benefit from the CDS, a program created by the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, which also funds organizations that perform screenings, promote early detection and help prevent secondary complications of the disease.

These types of initiatives are common in the healthcare sector and provide nursing professionals with an outlet to make real change and directly impact their communities. Before one can participate in these activities, however, they must first undertake nursing training.

Get started on the path to a career in practical nursing by enrolling in health care classes at CDI College. Simply fill out the form to the right to begin.

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