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Alberta Seeks Compassionate and Diverse Practical Nurses

August 3, 2012 | Alberta

Opportunities for practical nurses in Alberta abound throughout the province, in locales as obvious as physicians' offices and hospitals or more atypical environments including schools, business organizations or group homes. The role is perfect for professionals who thrive on helping others, as they will provide care and support to patients and their family members on a daily basis.

For those in the healthcare sector, their duties can vary drastically on a daily basis. While one shift may involve providing one-on-one assistance to a physician as he cares for his day's list of patients, the next shift might require a practical nurse to meet with patients' loved ones, administer medical treatment or assess a patient's condition.

These constant changes to a nurse's schedule create a demand for professionals who can transition quickly and efficiently from one task to the next. They also must have expert interpersonal skills, as they must often deal with delicate situations that may trigger serious emotions from patients and families.

According to the Alberta Learning Information Service website, more than 7,700 Albertans are employed in the practical nurses occupational group, which is expected to create about 116 new positions each year. Those looking to enter this caregiving field can enroll in practical nursing courses at CDI College. For more information about the Practical Nursing program, fill out the form on the right.

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