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Diploma Program

Medical Laboratory Assistant


36 weeks

Qualified Instructors

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Median Wage

$26 /hour

*; 2025

Become a Medical Laboratory Assistant

The Medical Laboratory Assistant program will teach you medical terminology, clinical chemistry, and laboratory mathematics, laboratory microbiology, blood studies, quality assurance, and safety procedures for your new career.

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  • Quality Assurance
  • Laboratory Microbiology
  • Medical Language & Terminology 
  • Health Care Communication
  • Clinical Laboratory
  • Computers Lab Introduction
  • Infection Control
  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Laboratory Safety and Asepsis
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Approved & Designated 

This program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of British Columbia. 

Program Intro Background

Program Courses

Student Success Strategies [SSS4]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and study techniques to help foster effective learning and a positive educational experience. This course explores two components of learning styles, Multiple Intelligence-based theory and Personality Spectrum – MBTI-based theory, and how learning styles and personality types affect learning. The course will cover the importance of values, their relationship to goals and goal setting. Strategies for setting personal goals, prioritizing tasks, managing time, and the stress that results from study or work situations will be explored and practiced through active participation in learner-centred activities. Effective study habits, techniques for preparing for tests and productive note taking strategies are key topics of this course that will provide the students with the necessary skills and attitudes to be successful in school. Having a sound understanding of financial, money, credit and debt matters and their implication on our lives is critical knowledge to have. Students taking this course will benefit from completing the Financial Management Workshops, which provides comprehensive coverage of financial and money management skills that will allow them to better save, budget, and manage their money and financial situations.

Introduction to Computers Lab [ITCS]

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This lab is a broad-based, self-directed introduction to using a personal computer. It teaches the fundamentals of an operating system and the most popular application software, including word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. You will also learn about the internet, web browsers, electronic mail, and antivirus software. The course is based on the Windows operating system, Microsoft Office 2013, and a variety of popular software programs for internet- and security-related applications. Extensive hands-on exercises throughout the course will allow you to practise and reinforce the skills you acquire, while progress check questions at the end of every module will give you the opportunity to test your knowledge of the presented material.

Keyboarding (Lab) [KBD4]

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This assigned requirement provides the student firstly with an introduction to the fundamentals of keyboarding to help them reinforce their English language skills and develop their ability to key and compose information. Students will be introduced and guided through this assignment to help them develop both speed and accuracy while applying the proper keyboarding techniques and position, with a goal to reach a passing requirement of an accurate typing speed exceeding 50 wpm. Students will also develop their proofreading and word processing techniques. Computer labs are available to students during the college’s operating hours; the keyboarding software is web-based, so students can also practice off-campus as well. Regular monitoring by a facilitator will ensure students receive ample support and stay ‘on track’ to reach the required outcome.

Fundamentals of Terminology [FTME]

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This course will provide the student with the fundamental notions necessary to the understanding of the components of Medical Terminology. The students will learn the basic anatomical structures of the body and identify commonly used abbreviations in the healthcare field. The emphasis of this course is placed on the proper use of the elements of medical terminology, such as prefixes, suffixes and root words. Medical terminology is a vast field that cannot be taught completely in one course. This course will serve as a foundation for the continuous learning of medical terminology that will continue throughout the remainder of the program.

  • Word parts, prefixes, suffixes, root words and basic medical terms
  • Medical dictionary, medical abbreviations and plural forms
  • Anatomic positions, body planes, cavities, quadrants, and regions
  • Cellular organization, tissues, and types of diseases

Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminology [ANME]

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This course gives the student an overview of the Human Anatomy and the terminology associated with each body system. Understanding new words becomes easier with the discovery that many of these terms are made up of interchangeable word parts that are used in different combinations. The text used in the course is designed to make the process as simple as possible.

Quality Assurance and Laboratory Mathematics [QLME]

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This course is designed to provide the students with a solid mathematical foundation for use in the medical laboratory. It includes a basic understanding of mathematics, measurements, dilutions, solutions, graphs, statistics and quality control, as well as specific applications in chemistry, hematology, and urinalysis.

  • Components of quality assurance programs
  • Quality assurance results
  • Introduction to laboratory mathematics
  • Metric system
  • Reagent preparation

Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory [ICLE]

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This course will provide the students with the knowledge to be able to apply the proper techniques and processes related to specimen procurement, processing, and data collection. Determine the suitability of a sample for the test requested. Apply the correct specimen procurement and processing techniques related to phlebotomy. Recognize laboratory equipment, instruments, and supplies. Demonstrate the correct usage and handling of laboratory glass and plastic ware. Demonstrate the knowledge of the proper usage of a microscope.

  • Introduction to the clinical laboratory
  • Safety in the clinical laboratory
  • Lab equipment and glassware
  • Collecting & processing laboratory specimens
  • Introduction to practical phlebotomy
  • Types of specimens collected
  • General collection information

Hematology [HEME]

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Hematology is a 15-day module, intended to introduce the students to the laboratory procedures involving hematology, coagulation, transfusion medicine, and immunology. Delivery of this module combines classroom teaching, laboratory demonstrations, and practice.

  • Production and function of blood cells
  • Plasma and its components
  • Serum and its components
  • Routine hematology tests
  • Normal test ranges
  • Limitations and sources of error
  • Disorders of the hemopoietic system
  • Lymphatic immunity drainage
  • Coagulation pathways
  • INR calculations
  • Anticoagulant therapies
  • Therapeutic ranges
  • Sources of error
  • Blood groups
  • Routine laboratory testing in Transfusion Medicine
  • Specimen procurement and sources of error

Cardiovascular System and ECG [CVSE]

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This module is intended to explore the cardiovascular system of the body and electrocardiography. The students will learn about the heart and the circulation of blood through the body and the cardiac cycle and rhythm. The students will learn about the heart’s conduction system and how it can be examined through the use of ECG. Students will also learn how to monitor vital signs and recognize the reportable values for the vital signs.

  • Introduction to the cardiovascular system, the heart and blood circulation
  • Conductive system, cardiac cycle
  • ECG components, procedures and artefacts
  • ECG practical skills
  • Vital signs
  • Basic arrhythmias and Pulmonary Function testing
  • Vital signs practical (locating arteries, monitoring, etc.)
  • Laboratory skills practice in hematology
  • Performance and basic interpretation of ECGs

Laboratory Microbiology [LMBE]

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This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how to perform routine procedures to collect specimens and process them in an appropriate way so that the micro-organisms can be cultured and/or identified. This will assist the physician in treating various infections. Students become familiar with the various uses and applications of equipment and culture techniques to grow microorganisms.

  • Overview and general concepts of microbiology
  • Infection control, terminology, procedures, types of media and their preparation
  • Morphology and classification of microorganisms, smear preparation and cultures
  • Culture techniques, use and care of microscope, gram staining
  • Introduction to mycology, staining, and fungal cultures
  • Culture counts, sensitivity ratio
  • Parasitology including collection, and processing
  • Additional organisms
  • Antimicrobials
  • Culture testing

Urinalysis and Body Fluids [UNSE]

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This course will provide the student with the fundamental notions necessary to the understanding of Urinalysis as performed in a routine laboratory or clinic. The students will learn the basic anatomical structures of the renal system and identify the various components. Each aspect of the study of urine in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of various diseases will be understood. As well, the evaluation of various other body fluids will be studied to ensure their understanding of how these other body fluid evaluations can help the physician in their management of their patients.

  • Overview and general concepts of urinalysis
  • Reagent strip testing
  • Fecal occult blood and other body fluids
  • Collection techniques for routine, 24 hour and C & S
  • Types of urine analysis procedures
  • Urine formation, renal structure and function
  • Collection, containers and physical examination
  • Chemical analysis
  • Microscopic examination

Clinical Chemistry [CHME]

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The student will understand the procedures related to clinical chemistry. Explain the proper specimen collection requirements for all routine clinical chemistry tests. State the reportable ranges for routine clinical chemistry tests. The students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of tolerance testing as well as the ability to collect special chemistry test specimens.

  • Units of measure
  • Reference (normal) ranges
  • Analytes commonly tested in a variety of chemistry profiles
  • Types of blood specimens for chemical analysis
  • Serum and plasma separation
  • Safety precautions, quality assessment, collection of difficult specimens, problems associated with specimen collection and processing, specimen transportation, specimen storage and preservation
  • Current trends in instrumentation, basic principles of instrumentation
  • Point - of - Care testing
  • Diagnostic tests for diabetes and hypoglycemia, and their reference values
  • Glucose analysis methods and safety precautions
  • Cholesterol, reference values, cholesterol levels to determine the heart attack risk factors
  • Triglycerides structure and function and triglycerides reference values
  • Function and clinical significance of electrolytes, reference ranges, methods of measuring electrolytes
  • Glucometer operation

Fundamentals of Cytology and Histology [CYHE]

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This course will provide the student with the fundamental notions necessary to the understanding of the components of Histology and Cytology. The student will use their basic understanding of anatomical structures of the body.

  • Overview and general concepts of Histology, specimen collection, handling, fixation, and other processes
  • Embedding and cutting
  • Staining, mounting and labelling slides
  • Filtration, cross contamination, PAP smears and staining, cytospin use
  • Cytology review.

Standards of Practice, Ethics and Legislation [SPEE]

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This course will provide the students with the fundamental notions necessary to the understanding of the components of the standards of practice. The students will have knowledge of the standards of practice, ethics, and legislations governing medical laboratory assistants. The emphasis of this course is also placed on laws, regulations, various acts, and the legislative framework that influence the practice of medical technology in your province.

  • Standards of practice and the intent of the standards
  • Specimen procurement and handling
  • Accreditation bodies and their roles
  • Quality management
  • Ethical and unethical behaviour
  • Canada’s Health Care system (Medicare)
  • Canada Health Act
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1990
  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
  • Laboratory and Specimen Collection Center Licensing Act, 1990
  • Confidentiality acts and guidelines (federal and provincial).

Laboratory Safety and Asepsis [LSAE]

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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the proper knowledge of workplace safety procedures. Students will learn how to safely and effectively use and maintain laboratory equipment. This course will provide an excellent foundation for the safety protocols students will use in the other Medical Laboratory Assistant courses. It will also establish the necessary training for the MLA within the clinical field. Students will be instructed on the correct waste-disposal techniques, with particular emphasis on bio-hazardous waste.

  • Safety in the laboratory
  • Medical asepsis biological hazards, good safety practices
  • Demo devices and safety practices
  • Biohazard spills
  • Sterilization/disinfection
  • Infection control
  • Methods to prevent accidents
  • Transportation of dangerous goods
  • Shipping with dry ice

Practicum [PRAC126]

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Students are required to complete a minimum of 120 supervised hours of outside clinical experience. This is a non-payment work experience.

Professional Skills [PSK4]

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This course is designed to equip students with interpersonal skills identified by employers as essential for success in the professional world. Using a variety of instructional methods including case studies, group exercises, and discussion, students learn and practice key communication skills.

  • Customer Service
  • Team Building
  • Presentation Skills
  • Personal Marketing Skills

Career & Employment Strategies [CES4]

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In addition to learning career-oriented skills, students learn how to get a job in their chosen profession. Our Employment Services department will assist the graduate in resume writing, as well as preparing for job interviews. Our staff is sensitive to current job market trends and the needs of employers in each local market.
Our graduates receive guidance and training to use career tools that help job seekers build a better resume and cover letter, manage an online portfolio, hone interviewing skills, and develop a personal brand online.
Students will have the use of a computer lab which has unlimited Internet access, as well as job search resources. Facilitators will also be made available to advise on job finding resources, interview skills and techniques and to carry out mock interviews.

This course also looks at the planning, preparation, execution, and follow-up stages of an interview:

  • How people find jobs
  • Employer expectations
  • Presenting an enthusiastic attitude
  • Focusing on the right job and the hidden job market
  • Transferrable skills
  • Thank you letters
  • Effective telemarketing
  • Handling objections, self-confidence, and self-esteem
  • Individual counselling and coaching

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Benefits of this program

Employment Opportunities

Students must meet all of the prerequisites listed below, meet their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures provided in the student handbook prior to starting classes. 

Entrance Requirements:

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalent (General Education Development or BC Adult Basic Education)


  • Mature student status (19 years of age upon starting classes) 


  • Pass the College’s General Math Exam (with a passing score of 50%) 
  • English 11
  • Keyboarding 40 wpm 
  • Successfully Interview the campus director, program coordinator, or designate

Practicum, Clinical Placement or Preceptorship Requirements:

  • Criminal record check (in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act)
  • Up-to-date immunization report (form provided by college)
  • Real-world practicum experience
  • State-of-the-art labs
  • Industry-experienced instructors
  • Student-focused learning environment
  • One-on-one instruction
  • Six months of post-graduate career services support
  • First Aid and CPR certification
  • Demand for Healthcare professionals
  • Private Diagnostic Testing Laboratory
  • Public Health Laboratory
  • Hospital Laboratory or Outpatient Department
  • Quality Control Laboratory (Food Testing Industry, as Support Technician)
  • Physician’s Office or Clinic
  • Other Types of Medical Office Settings

Students must meet all of the prerequisites listed below, meet their financial obligations with the college, and acknowledge their understanding of the college’s policies and procedures provided in the student handbook prior to starting classes. 

Entrance Requirements:

  • Proof of high school graduation or equivalent (General Education Development or BC Adult Basic Education)


  • Mature student status (19 years of age upon starting classes) 


  • Pass the College’s General Math Exam (with a passing score of 50%) 
  • English 11
  • Keyboarding 40 wpm 
  • Successfully Interview the campus director, program coordinator, or designate

Practicum, Clinical Placement or Preceptorship Requirements:

  • Criminal record check (in accordance with the Criminal Records Review Act)
  • Up-to-date immunization report (form provided by college)
  • Real-world practicum experience
  • State-of-the-art labs
  • Industry-experienced instructors
  • Student-focused learning environment
  • One-on-one instruction
  • Six months of post-graduate career services support
  • First Aid and CPR certification
  • Demand for Healthcare professionals
  • Private Diagnostic Testing Laboratory
  • Public Health Laboratory
  • Hospital Laboratory or Outpatient Department
  • Quality Control Laboratory (Food Testing Industry, as Support Technician)
  • Physician’s Office or Clinic
  • Other Types of Medical Office Settings
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Language Proficiency

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Requirements for Admissions:

As approved by the British Columbia Society of Laboratory Science (BCSLS) 

Minimum accepted English Language Proficiency assessment test scores (see table on the right):


*Note: A challenge exam is available for ‘English Essentials’ (minimum 60%)—one attempt only. 

Test Details

English 11 

Grade 12 or post-secondary English communication course Pass
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 
Academic Format 
6.5 overall (minimum 6.0 any 
English Essentials course offered at our College*  60%
Undergraduate (bachelor) degree from a post-secondary institution where English is the language of instruction  All programs

Industry Certifications

Gain a distinct advantage by earning industry-recognized certifications that validate your expertise and skills in key areas such as digital marketing, project management, and CRM. Our program prepares you to succeed, whether you're advancing, switching careers, or starting your own business. Invest in yourself and join a community of certified professionals shaping the digital economy.

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Industry Leading Employers

Our extensive network and reputation for excellence ensure that graduates are in high demand in today's competitive job market. Prepare to excel in sought-after roles with renowned companies and unlock limitless career opportunities. Elevate your career trajectory and secure your future with our program tailored to meet the demands of industry leaders.

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Hear From Our Graduates

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I really enjoyed my time at CDI College, my instructors were lovely! After I finished school, I got hired right away by Lifelabs.

Alberto S.

Healthcare Program Graduate

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The MLA program at CDI College is definitely top-tier. The program coordinator and instructors are very passionate about students' growth and development. I am grateful to them for equipping me with the medical knowledge and technical skills to be an excellent student.

Tracy-Ann J.

Healthcare Program Graduate

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