Evidence of English proficiency is required upon admission by meeting one of the following:
1. Completion of 3 years of full-time secondary education (Grades 8-12) or 2 years (grades 10, 11 or 12) in a country where English is one of the principal languages. This may be demonstrated by providing a high school transcript, completion of a BC Adult Graduation program or providing international education credentials recognized through WES, ICES, or IQAS.
2. Completion of 2 years of full-time post-secondary education* at an accredited institution where English is the language principal of instruction. International education credentials must be recognized through WES, ICES, and IQAS).
*Language development courses (i.e., ELL courses) cannot be included in this calculation.
3. Minimum accepted English Language Proficiency assessment test scores (see table on the right):
4. Mature Students Only:
- Applicant is 19 years or older at the start of the program and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and
- Applicant completes an Accuplacer English Assessment and achieves the following minimum scores: Reading: 230, Writing: 230, WritePlacer: 4
Important note: this option may only be applied when English is the program’s language of instruction and the applicant is a mature domestic student facing barriers and the applicant cannot access their educational records or cannot provide sufficient evidence of secondary or post-secondary education as outlined in this policy.